Library Trainings
In keeping with the digital revolution, our library services offer reliable support to students and staff for research, teaching and learning
Bibliographic Instructions Training
The Library is embarking on Bibliographic Instruction (BI) programme that will run throughout the year.
BI is an instructional program designed to teach Library users how to search and retrieve the information they need quickly and effectively.
The training covers the Library’s system of organising materials, and specific resources and finding tools such as Library catalogue, Library Subject databases, RefWorks (Reference organising tool), and Turnitin (plagiarism detection software).
The training is very essential for the production of high quality research and therefore, amongst others, the training aim to achieve the following objectives
- To train Library users to be independent in searching information
- To learn new skills and strategies to make effective use of online information
- To identify research aiding tools that offer the most comprehensive resources for research literature.
- To locate peer reviewed journals that meet academic quality norms.
- To locate scholarly journals licensed from many of both local and international most prestigious academic publishers.
- To empower students with self-confidence to become lifelong learners.
- To enhance the quality of students’ academic work.
- Receive answers to any challenge they might be experiencing in the use of the Library
The training will take place as follows:
Date: Every Friday
Time: 09h00-13h00
Venue: Library Electronic Classroom
For more information contact:
Koketso Senoa
Tel: (+27 15) 268 2968
Kgaogelo Shai
Tel: (+27 15) 268 2958