Supply Chain Management

Efficiently connecting resources to enhance university operations

Principles of Supply Chain Management

The University aims to use economic, efficient, fair, transparent, corrupt-free, competitive and cost effective supply chain management systems to ensure financial viability and sustainability for the University through sound financial governance

Supply Chain Management at University of Limpopo

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) is based on a centralised purchasing policy and procedure that allows all possible vendors, representative of all communities, irrespective and non-discriminative of race, gender or religion the opportunity to conduct business in an ethical manner with the University of Limpopo.

The Supply Chain Management Policy requires that all procurement requests are forwarded to the centralised SCM department where they are coordinated, approved and finalised.

An official university Purchase Order (PO) issued by an authorised buyer on behalf of the University is the only way that the university can be committed to a purchase, service or rental agreement. The Supply Chain Management of the University of Limpopo is responsible for the procurement, approval and placing of all orders. The purchasing process is specification driven and subject to purchasing limits as identified in the Supply Chain Management Policy and determines the procedure to be followed to obtain and implement quotations and tenders.


There are several ways to report irregular activities, misconduct, or fraud:

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Position Name email address
Director SCM (Vacant)    
Deputy Director Acquisition /Procurement Management(Vacant)    
Deputy Director Contract and Vendor  Management Mr John Hlakudi
Chief Buyer Acquisition/Procurement Ms Morongwa Ralepelle
Assistant Buyer Acquisition Ms Rudzani Mahada
Assistant Buyer Acquisition Mr Neville Moripe
Chief  Buyer Demand Management Mr Innocent Ramaila
Buyer Tenders Ms Hanepa Maahlo
Data capturer Ms.Mantsha Mamabolo